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SCERT Telangana
The State Council of Educational Research & Training (SCERT) Telangana is
functioning as the Academic wing of Department of School Education (DSE) and
academic authority for Right to Education (RTE).
Objectives of SCERT Telangana
- To organise in – service training for teacher educators and to teachers of Primary, Upper Primary and Secondary Schools.
- To act as a clearing house for ideas and information to keep the teacher educators and teachers abreast of the latest developments in the field of Education.
- To provide academic guidance to the schools through extension services.
- To undertake studies, investigations and surveys relating to educational matters on the appraisal of educational programmes.
- To undertake and co – ordinate action research projects on instructional practices, Educational problems etc.,
- To undertake publication of books, periodicals and Audio, Video Material.
- To undertake evaluation and research studies to find out the impact of educational programmes in the state.
Functions of SCERT Telangana
- Preparation of curricula, syllabi, instructional material for Primary, Upper Primary, Secondary and alternative systems of education
- Development of evaluation procedures and material, which are helpful to the practicing teachers
- Bridging gaps between the methods and techniques advocated in training and the actual classroom practices
- Dissemination of knowledge relating to improved methods and techniques to be followed by educational institutions
- Co-ordination with national and international Organization In academic programs
- Resource support to implement the Academic Policies laid down by the Government
- Organization of orientation programs for the professional growth of teachers, teacher-educators, supervisor's, etc
- Publication of journals, Periodicals, Books
- To develop new courses in Teacher Education
- To frame and revise curriculum of teacher Education courses periodically
- To conduct teacher education courses to untrained teachers through distance mode
- The different departments of SCERT have taken up activities to gear to the functions of the organization
Activities of SCERT Telangana
- To undertake, promote and co-ordinate research at different stages of education.
- Development of curriculum and material for pre-service education courses viz., Pre Primary Teacher Education course, D.Ed., Pandit courses – Telugu Pandit, Hindi Pandit, Urdu Pandit courses.
- To supervise the academic activities in the Secondary Training Schools, DIETs, Colleges of Teacher Education(CTEs) and Institutes of advanced studies in education(IASE)
- Monitoring the effective implementation of pre-service training programmes.
- To organize pre-service and in-service training for the teachers, teacher educators and inspecting officers.
- The SCERT plays a very vital role in organizing some special educational projects sponsored by the NCERT and UNICEF for the progress and development of school education.
- To produce and prescribe text-books for school education and teacher training institution.
- To produce instructional materials for elementary school teachers and for the teacher educators.
- To undertake research studies to solve the problems of education.
Teacher Education
Education is a process of human enlightenment and empowerment for the achievement of a better and higher quality of life. A sound and effective system of education results in the unfolding of learner potentialities, enlargement of competencies, transformation of interests, attitudes and values. Teachers play an important role in the lives of learners through the process of education. If teachers acquire professional competencies, commitment and are enabled and empowered to perform multiple tasks in the class room, school and community in a genuinely professional manner, then a chain reaction begins starting with sound teacher performance culminating into high quality class room in school education.
Effective teacher education becomes a core condition to ensure high proficiency and quality in school education. Effective school education anticipates effective teacher education. An unprofessional teacher could cause lasting damage to the very growth and development of the child. An empathetic teacher can nurture a child into a sensitive human being. If the same child is mishandled, he /she might grow into a violent and aggressive youth. The social, emotional and psychological components of teaching and learning are extremely significant for each and every child and hence for the nation in turn.
Teacher Education is nurturing of creativity, inculcation of commitment and generation of a strong will to contribute at the highest level of efficiency through a value-based approach. The teacher education institutes in the state - S.C.E.R.T, I.A.S.E, C.T.Es and DIETs should unearth the treasure within every teacher and subsequently within every learner and make the individuals realize the magnitude and potentialities which if nurtured and inculcated in the right direction, could make significant contribution to the identified sectors.
Teacher Education continued to be an insignificant component of Elementary and Secondary Education right from first to seventh five year plans. From Eighth Plan onwards i.e., NPE 1986 has provided a fillip to teacher education by way of creation of special institutes at Elementary and Secondary levels along with providing necessary resources for infrastructure and staff resources.
DIETs have been established as a part of NPE 1986 for providing pre-service and in-service education at District level as a part of major quality initiative at Elementary stage. Further IASEs and CTEs have been visualized and established as a part of strengthening of Teacher Education at Secondary level along with professional development of Teacher Educators. Sufficient funds have been provided for their establishment and to make a beginning to take up quality initiatives during VIII and IX Plan periods.
Contact Details
State Council of Educational Research and Training
Opp: L.B Stadium, E-Gate, Hyderabad, Telangana 500001